Obesity News Archive - July 2010

20th July, 2010


Babies born to women who are overweight or obese are more likely to be delivered prematurely, and the heavier the mother's weight, the greater the risk, Study Highlights Risks of Overweight or Obesity During Pregnancy .


17th July, 2010

Science Daily

The Image in the Mirror and the Number on the Scale Both Count . Adolescent girls who think they are overweight, but are not, are at more risk for depression than girls who are overweight and know it, according to Penn State sociologists. [More...]

15th July, 2010

International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics

Women who consume a high-fat diet while they're nursing put their child at risk of becoming obese, a new study has found. "To help prevent obesity and metabolic problems in their offspring, it may be most important for mothers to avoid consuming too much fat in their diet while nursing," said lead author on the study Bo Sun. [More...]

15th July, 2010

Science Daily - Obesity Harms Women's Memory and Brain Function

The more an older woman weighs, the worse her memory, according to new research from Northwestern Medicine. The effect is more pronounced in women who carry excess weight around their hips, known as pear shapes, than women who carry it around their waists, called apple shapes. [More...]

14th July, 2010

Yahoo News - Trick the Mind into Satisfying the Belly

Trick your mind into satisfying your belly The key to weight loss could lie in tricking our mind into thinking about how filling the food will be before we eat it. Test subjects were more satisfied for longer periods after consuming varying quantities of food for which they were led to believe that portion sizes were larger than they actually were. Memories about how satisfying previous meals were also played a causal role in determining how long those meals staved off hunger [More...]

07th July, 2010

Sify News - Weight Reducing Diets

How do I start reducing my weight? This is a question that will never go into non-existence. Accumulating body weight happens unobtrusively in most cases. It may be very gradual in some, at the rate of one or two kilos per year, or it may be rapid in others and the reasons for this may be many. Eating fattening foods in excess, relaxing and not exercising are pleasurable activities causing increase in weight. On the other hand, losing this weight by cutting out on favourite foods and increasing physical exercise is a painstaking process. [More...]

01st July, 2010

World News - World breaking New

A new study determined that 5 minutes a day exercising on a bike can help middle aged women with weight loss. The new study took place over a 16 year timespan and studied more than 18,000 women who were a minimum of 25 years of age and a maximum of 42 years of age. [More...]

Celebrities with Diseases

Dieting is ineffective without workout for losing weightA recent study has revealed that dieting cannot help deal with obesity. According to www.sciencedaily.com, one needs to keep a tab on ones calorie intake and also engage in physical workout in order to lose weight. The study has been conducted by researchers at the Oregon Health & Science [More...]